还没到地球尽头 看一次天长地久
hai mei dao di qiu jing tou kan yi ci tian chang di jiu
Not to look at the Earth at the end of the first ever and ever
还没等时间沙漏 融化成细水长流
hai mei deng shi jian sha lou rong hua cheng xi shui chang liu
Not wait for time to melt into a steady and hourglass
你怎会舍得放开 一点不心疼
ni zen me hui she de fang kai yi dian bu xin teng
How can you not willing to let go a little distressed
kuai dao shou de wei lai
The future of fast hand
不要分开 还想继续爱
bu yao fen kai hai xiang ji xu ai
Do not want to separate love
用真心去耍赖 让奇蹟存在
yong zhen xin qu shua lai rang qi ji cun zai
To shame, with really exist for a miracle
不要分开 为何要分开
bu yao fen kai wei he yao fen kai
Why not separate separate
用浪漫去款待 这个残酷时代
yong lang man qu kuan dai zhe ge can ku shi dai
Go to dinner with the romantic era of the brutal
还有爱人的念头 为何要压抑温柔
hai you ai ren de nian tou wei he yao ya yi wen rou
Also love the idea of why we want to curb soft
趁心跳呼吸尚在 再亲吻我吧
chen xin tiao hu xi shang zai zai qing wen wo ba
Take advantage of heart was still breathing then kiss me
niang yi chang yi wai
Wine was an accident
不要分开 还想继续爱
bu yao fen lai hai xiang ji xu ai
Do not want to separate love
用真心去耍赖 让奇蹟存在
yong zhen xin qu shua lai rang qi ji cun zai
To lie, make miracles with the existence of genuine
不要分开 为何要分开
bu yao fen kai wei he yao fen kai
Why not separate separate
用浪漫去款待 这个残酷时代
yong lang man qu kuan dai zhe ge can ku shi dai
With a romantic dinner to the harsh times
不要分开 还想继续爱
bu yao fen kai hai xiang ji xu ai
Do not want to separate love
有一个人疼爱 日子不算坏
you yi fe ren teng ai ri zi bu suan huai
A man loves a bad day is not
不要分开 为何要分开
bu yao fen kai wei he yao fen kai
Why not separate separate
nan dao bi jiao yu kuai
Are happier
- 飛輪海 -
- Fahrenheit -
Translation: http://ranwada.blogspot.com/2010/09/ji-xu-ai-keep-loving-you-chinese-pinyin.html
liang ge ren fen xiang ji mo
Two people share the lonely
都好过一人 独吞着快活
dou hao guo yi ren du tun zhe kuai huo
Are better than one who pocketed a happy
不要分开 还想继续爱
bu yao fen kai hai xiang ji xu ai
Do not want to separate love
用温柔去填海 让眼泪澎湃
yong wen rou qu dian hai rang yan lei peng pai
Gently to the reclamation to tears of emotion
不要分开 为何要分开
bu yao fen kai wei he yao fen kai
Why not separate separate
世界已经太坏 为什麽不相爱
shi jie yi jing tai huai wei shen me bu xiang ai
Why do not you love the world has been too bad
不要分开 还想继续爱
bu yao fen kai hai xiang ji xu ai
Do not want to love separately
Please don’t say goobye
不要分开 为何要分开
bu yao fen kai wei he yao fen kai
Why not separate separate
谁说过留下来 谁却又要离开
shei shuo guo liu xia lai shei que you yao li kai
Who said, who left but to leave
不要分开 还想继续爱
bu yao fen kai hai xiang ji xu ai
Love do not want to continue separately
有一个人疼爱 日子不算坏
you yi ge ren teng ai ri zi bu suan huai
A man loves the day is not bad
不要分开 为何要分开
bu yao fen kai wei he yao fen kai
Why not separate separate
nan dao bi jiao yu kuai
Are happier
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